‘Intelligent medicine’ erases side effects

Scientists at Aarhus University, Denmark in collaboration with the biotech company Cytoguide now publish a key to use glucocorticoid steroids in a kind of intelligent medicine that specifically hits the relevant cells. Data are based on rodent studies but if this principle is translated to humans it may greatly improve todays hazardous treatment with this type of potent steroids.

This is the main perspective in the research now published in the recognized research journal Molecular Therapy in the Nature Publishing group.

50-fold higher potency

Synthetic glucocorticoid steroid are used in many acute and chronic inflammatory diseases including many autoimmune diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis. This is the most potent anti-inflammatory medicine, but its use is hampered by serious side effects such as osteoporosis, loss in muscle mass, diabetes and immunosuppression.
The new data from the scientists now show that they can target the drugs directly to the ‘macrophage’ immune cells. These cells play a main role in inflammation and their damaging effect on the surrounding tissues is strongly dampened by the glucocorticoid steroids.
The new technology is based on the coupling of the steroids to an antibody that specifically binds to a receptor exclusively expressed on the surface of macrophages. The receptors normally take up haemoglobin but they are also able to engulf drug-conjugates binding to the receptors. In the cells, the active steroid is released and it can now execute it effect (gene regulation).
In this way the drug only works in the relevant cells and much less is needed to obtain full efficacy.

Perspectives in many diseases

‘Our project may initially have relevance for inflammation disease and our focus is now on the liver inflammation that affects many persons with fatty liver due to obesity or alcohol abuses’ Soren K. Moestrup from Aarhus University says.
‘But this technology may also be applied on completely different types of diseases such as cancer’ he continues.
If the scientists get financing and collaboration with the large pharma industry in place they expect to have the first conjugate medicine on the market in about 6 years.

Options for a NON GATE, B.Tech students to apply for M.Tech Biotechnology and allied programs

A non gate student has several options to apply for various M.Tech programs in Biotechnology and allied fields. So please don’t lose hope and apply to the options available right away. Below I have tried to give you the possible ways of admission into M.Tech and M. S. (by Research) courses in various IITs, NITs, some very good Universities and State Colleges along with certain Private Universities. Hope this mail proves to be helpful.

Indian Institute of Technology (IITs) or National Institute of Technology (NITs):

Sponsored Candidates:  If you are working in industry for over three year and can prove that your employer is ready to allow you to go to study by letters from authority, you can apply under this category. There are few seats reserved under this category in both IITs and NITs.
Quality Improvement Program (QIP): This is started by Govt. of India to improve the quality of teaching staff in state colleges by giving them a chance to attend India’s top most engineering schools. All the faculty members with three years plus experience are eligible for this.
M.Tech (Research): The National Institute of Technology, Rourkela, provides facilities for instructions in all Engineering Departments at postgraduate level with more emphasis on research content, leading to the degree of Master of Technology by Research, M. Tech. (Res). The M. Tech (Res) programmes are being offered by all of the Departments/ Centres National Institute Technology. For more details visit:
In National Institute of Technology, Jalandar this programme is applicable to external faculty/staff working in organisations other than NITJ. Academic qualifications is Bachelor’s degree in Engineering/Technology or Master’s degree in appropriate Sciences/Humanities/Social Sciences with a first class or minimum 60% marks (CGPA 6.5) or equivalent. A valid GATE score of UGC/CSIR fellowship is not required. Candidates having a minimum of two years of professional experience after the qualifying degree in the appropriate discipline of the recognized institutes, R & D establishments, public utility undertakings and industrial units with well-established R & D units recognized by DST or NITJ are eligible. 
Other option: In NIT Durgapur, in case of non-availability of enough number of GATE-qualified candidates, the resulting vacant seats are filled with non-GATE candidates strictly based on merit through a written test followed by viva-voce. 30% weightage is given to written Test, 40% weightage to viva-voce in respective departments at NIT, Durgapur and 30% weightage to Percentage of Marks / CGPA obtained in the last qualifying examination. 
IIITs: These institutes are deemed universities and conduct their own entrance test for M.Tech course admission. For more details visit one of the Institute website:http://www.iiit.net/admissions/postgraduate/standingpg
Central Universities:Few Central Universities conduct their own entrance exam and few consider GATE scores too. Most of the State University doesn’t get GATE qualified students, therefore they conduct their own written test and interview. Examples of certain such universities and courses available are:
Hyderabad University: Medical BiotechnologyBioinformatics
Jamia Millia Islamia: Nanotechnology, Environmental Engineering
Pondicherry University: Nano Science and Technology
On behalf of Anna University, Chennai, Cochin University of Science and Technology, Kochi, Kerala; &West Bengal University of TechnologyKolkataJawaharlal Nehru University holds Combined Biotechnology Entrance Examination for admission to M.Tech Biotechnology.
Deemed Universities: In recent years many good deemed universities have come with great infrastructure and industry interface.
State Universities: Few good universities in different states conduct their own test and follow admission procedure.
Private Universities: There are many private collages for Master Degree in Engineering (M.Tech) studies in every state.

Walking and Running Again After Spinal Cord Injury

Rats with spinal cord injuries and severe paralysis are now walking (and running) thanks to researchers at EPFL. Published in the June 1, 2012 issue of Science, the results show that a severed section of the spinal cord can make a comeback when its own innate intelligence and regenerative capacity is awakened. The study, begun five years ago at the University of Zurich, points to a profound change in our understanding of the central nervous system. According to lead author Grégoire Courtine, it is yet unclear if similar rehabilitation techniques could work for humans, but the observed nerve growth hints at new methods for treating paralysis.

“After a couple of weeks of neurorehabilitation with a combination of a robotic harness and electrical-chemical stimulation, our rats are not only voluntarily initiating a walking gait, but they are soon sprinting, climbing up stairs and avoiding obstacles when stimulated,” explains Courtine, who holds the International Paraplegic Foundation (IRP) Chair in Spinal Cord Repair at EPFL.
Waking up the spinal cord
It is well known that the brain and spinal cord can adapt and recover from moderate injury, a quality known as neuroplasticity. But until now the spinal cord expressed so little plasticity after severe injury that recovery was impossible. Courtine’s research proves that, under certain conditions, plasticity and recovery can take place in these severe cases — but only if the dormant spinal column is first woken up.
To do this, Courtine and his team injected a chemical solution of monoamine agonists into the rats. These chemicals trigger cell responses by binding to specific dopamine, adrenaline, and serotonin receptors located on the spinal neurons. This cocktail replaces neurotransmitters released by brainstem pathways in healthy subjects and acts to excite neurons and ready them to coordinate lower body movement when the time is right.
Five to 10 minutes after the injection, the scientists electrically stimulated the spinal cord with electrodes implanted in the outermost layer of the spinal canal, called the epidural space. “This localized epidural stimulation sends continuous electrical signals through nerve fibers to the chemically excited neurons that control leg movement. All that is left was to initiate that movement,” explains Rubia van den Brand, contributing author to the study.
The innate intelligence of the spinal column
In 2009, Courtine already reported on restoring movement, albeit involuntary. He discovered that a stimulated rat spinal column — physically isolated from the brain from the lesion down — developed in a surprising way: It started taking over the task of modulating leg movement, allowing previously paralyzed animals to walk over treadmills. These experiments revealed that the movement of the treadmill created sensory feedback that initiated walking — the innate intelligence of the spinal column took over, and walking essentially occurred without any input from the rat’s actual brain. This surprised the researchers and led them to believe that only a very weak signal from the brain was needed for the animals to initiate movement of their own volition.
To test this theory, Courtine replaced the treadmill with a device that vertically supported the subjects, a mechanical harness did not facilitate forward movement and only came into play when they lost balance, giving them the impression of having a healthy and working spinal column. This encouraged the rats to will themselves toward a chocolate reward on the other end of the platform. “What they deemed willpower-based training translated into a fourfold increase in nerve fibers throughout the brain and spine — a regrowth that proves the tremendous potential for neuroplasticity even after severe central nervous system injury,” says Janine Heutschi, co-author in the study.
First human rehabilitation on the horizon
Courtine calls this regrowth “new ontogeny,” a sort of duplication of an infant’s growth phase. The researchers found that the newly formed fibers bypassed the original spinal lesion and allowed signals from the brain to reach the electrochemically-awakened spine. And the signal was sufficiently strong to initiate movement over ground — without the treadmill — meaning the rats began to walk voluntarily towards the reward, entirely supporting their own weight with their hind legs.
“This is the world-cup of neurorehabilitation,” exclaims Courtine. “Our rats have become athletes when just weeks before they were completely paralyzed. I am talking about 100% recuperation of voluntary movement.”
In principle, the radical reaction of the rat spinal cord to treatment offers reason to believe that people with spinal cord injury will soon have some options on the horizon. Courtine is optimistic that human, phase-two trials will begin in a year or two at Balgrist University Hospital Spinal Cord Injury Centre in Zurich, Switzerland. Meanwhile, researchers at EPFL are coordinating a nine million Euro project called NeuWalk that aims at designing a fully operative spinal neuroprosthetic system, much like the one used here with rats, for implanting into humans.

Combined Biotech Entrance Exam

MORE THAN 10,000 aspirants appeared for the Combined Biotechnology Entrance Examination conducted on Thursday, 25th May for admission to 500 seats in 40 institutions.

If the numbers prove a point, it is that Biotechnology has arrived as a career choice for more young people than in the past. It is because biotechnology is increasingly being viewed as the magic bullet that can rid the world of many of its problems, from chronic hunger to infectious diseases. The belief, based more on fact than on hyperbole, has spawned industries, which in turn have created a rush of new job opportunities.

A little something about this exam:

Exam Pattern

The entrance examination, which is conducted by Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU), is divided into two sections, and according to Prof. K. J. Mukherjee, Dean, School of Biotechnology, JNU. 

Section A has traditionally been beneficial for students who have studied Mathematics at the plus-two level, whereas students who had Biology in their undergraduate years have a clear edge in Section B. “Section A has Class XII-level questions from Physics, Chemistry, Biology, and Mathematics, so those who had Mathematics in their plus-two should get good scores in Section A,” Mukherjee said. 

“Section B has Physics and Chemistry, but there are more questions from Biology, which gives students who have studied biology an advantage.” Prof. Rajiv Bhat, Coordinator, Combined Biotechnology Entrance Examination, counsels test takers not to panic. “People who take the exam come from diverse academic backgrounds and it’s difficult to design a paper that includes all subjects,” Bhat said. “The paper is balanced and has questions from the subjects that matter to biotechnology students — Physics, Chemistry, Biology and Mathematics.” 

The really good news, though, is that students taking the examination won’t be as much in the dark about it as they have been all these years. To help aspirants prepare better, sample papers will be uploaded on the JNU website from next year, Bhat said.

JNU’s School of Bio-Technology

It was one of the first six institutions in the country to initiate a postgraduate teaching and research programme in the subject in 1985. Over the years, it has established itself as the country’s leading academic programme in Biotechnology, which is why it has been given the responsibility of conducting and assessing the entrance examination.

The Common Entrance Examination is conducted for admission to the M. Sc. Biotechnology, M. Sc. Agriculture / M. V. Sc. ( Biotechnology) and M. Tech. Biotechnology programmes being offered by the participating institutions. 

JNU’s School of Biotechnology offers 30 M. Sc. seats, and the specialisations on offer include cell biology, biochemistry, biophysics, computational biology and bioinformatics, and biomolecules, to name just a few.

“We focus more on animal biotechnology and I think we are behind in plant biotechnology, though the School of Life Science does focus on this field,” Mukherjee added. The School, however, is introducing a paper in chemical and synthetic biology this academic session.

Among students, though, biotechnology industry courses such as biosimilars, advanced immunology and bioprocess technology are immensely popular, for they offer a diverse range of opportunities both in research and manufacturing. “ The production of cost- efficient drugs and food production is what biotechnology is being used for, so there are a number of career options in the industry,” Mukherjee added.

New Molecular Structure Offers First Picture of a Protein Family Vital to Human Health

The 20 proteins in the Wnt family are some of the most important proteins in controlling how an organism develops and grows, but for 30 years scientists have not known what these vital proteins actually look like. The proteins have eluded standard visualization techniques, in large part because they do not dissolve well in the water-based liquids normally used for biochemical studies. But once Howard Hughes Medical Institute investigator K. Christopher Garcia, and Claudia Janda, a post-doctoral fellow in his Stanford University School of Medicine lab, thought of an approach to make the proteins behave better, they succeeded in solving the first structure of a Wnt protein.

Their work reveals an unexpected three-dimensional shape that offers clues to how Wnt proteins function and clarifies the nature of its Frizzled receptor target for drug developers working to design anti-Wnt therapies for cancer and other diseases. “Having finally gained structural access to Wnts, I think this is going to open up a whole new era in molecularly dissecting the role of Wnt proteins in biological processes,” says Garcia.

Wnt proteins were discovered 30 years ago by Harold Varmus, the current director of the National Cancer Institute, and Roel Nusse, who is now an HHMI investigator at Stanford University. They observed that Wnt1, the gene for a Wnt protein, was very active in breast cancer cells from mice. Over the past decades, researchers have shown that Wnt proteins play key roles in embryonic development, tissue regeneration, bone growth, stem cell differentiation, as well as many human cancers. In essence, Wnt proteins help give cells their identity and tell them how to behave.

“This is one of the most important ligand-receptor systems in both human and invertebrate biology. Wnts cut across every field, which is why I got involved. But many excellent groups have tried to express them in the lab and solve their structures, so we realized that something non-intuitive would be required to crack the problem,” says Garcia.

In 2003, Nusse’s team found out why scientists who had been trying to isolate Wnt proteins had been plagued with so many difficulties: the proteins contained lipids, fatty molecules that prevent the protein from dissolving in water-based solutions. Scientists realized they could stabilize the protein by instead keeping it in mixtures that contained detergents, helping pave the way for a plethora of biochemical experiments on isolated Wnts. But such detergent-containing mixtures still present obstacles for crystallizing and visualizing proteins by structural analysis techniques; simply put, the detergents get in the way.

“This really causes a great deal of difficulty in working with these proteins,” says Garcia. But he and Janda had an idea: what if they expressed both a Wnt protein, and the receptor it bound to in the same cell? Perhaps, they thought, the receptor would shield the Wnt protein’s exposed lipid, making it able to dissolve in the solution they needed.

The technique worked — they were able to produce Wnt8 bound to Frizzled-8, one of 10 Frizzled receptors that the 20 Wnt proteins bind to to carry out cellular effects.

“It’s one of the most unusual protein structures I’ve ever seen,” says Garcia. “It looks like a crab with its two pinchers reaching around and grabbing the Frizzled receptor. When we originally solved this, we could see no relationship between the structure of Wnt8 and any other structure that has ever been described. However, we are beginning to see the evolutionary origins of the Wnt fold. This story is developing.”

Garcia expects the other Wnt proteins likely have similar structures, with the respective Frizzled receptors shielding the lipid attached to the protein, meaning their method should work on other Wnts. He now wants to delve into those structures, answering questions about which Wnt-Frizzled pairs are responsible for what biological roles, how co-receptors bind to the pairs, and how the structure can be changed to optimize the interactions.

“What we can see now are some clues in the structure as to why Wnts are so hard to express, because of the exposure of the lipid,” says Garcia. “So now we can think about ways to remodel the protein that will solve the expression problem without altering function.”

But it’s not just basic science of Wnts that gets a boost with the new method for solving their structure, and the new structural data. Wnts have long been considered a potential drug target for cancers, as well as other diseases. Knowing the structure provides a huge advantage when trying to develop compounds that will bind to Wnts.

“There are already some drugs companies that have been developing anti-Wnt and anti-Frizzled antagonist antibodies as drugs,” says Garcia. “But they’re been working in the dark, with no knowledge of structure. So I really think this will open up a whole new era for not only of basic biology on these proteins, but also for their therapeutic potential. We are currently attempting to engineer Frizzled-specific Wnts in order to better understand the role of a particular Wnt in a biological and disease process, as well as assess the efficacy of selectively blocking or activating Wnt signaling pathways.”

Chief Minister chairs 2nd North East Biotech Hub Coordinators’ Interactive Meeting

Shri Pawan Chamling proposes setting up of Biotech Park in Sikkim
Gangtok, April 14, 2012: Two days long 2nd North East Biotech Hub Coordinators’ Interactive Meeting began today here at Chintan Bhawan, organised by Sikkim State Council of Science and Technology Gangtok, Department of Science and Technology and Climate Change, Government of Sikkim. The meeting supported by the Department of Biotechnology, Government of India, New Delhi, saw the presence of Chief Minister, Mr Pawan Chamling as chief guest along with Mr Bhim Dhungel, Minister for Science and Technology, Dr T. Madhan Mohan, Adviser, Department of Biotechnology, Government of India, New Delhi, Dr B. Ravindran, Director ILS, Bhubaneswar, Dr Purnima Sharma, MD & NERBPMC, New Delhi on the dais in the inaugural session. 

More than 100 Scientists and Research Scholars from Government of India and Institutional Hub Coordinators are participating in the meeting where they will be discussing on protection, conservation, monitoring and evaluation work on biodiversity and to foster exchange of ideas to promote Biotechnology in the North East region.

In his inaugural address, the Chief Minister informed that Sikkim- home to towering Mount Kanchenjunga and exquisite tapestry of flora and fauna, perhaps an exemplary State to ban killing of wildlife, felling of trees and use of plastics, where environmental conservation is paramount in all development philosophy. A State very close to attaining zero poverty status, wanting vigorously to pursue the ultimate aim of making Sikkim a total organic state. Sikkim accounts only 0.2% of total geographical area of the country, yet hosts over 26% of country’s biodiversity, he mentioned.

Respecting the sanctity of all living organisms including the green and clean environment, the Chief Minister further added that the State Government has undertaken many conservation measures to protect the mountain ecology and has moved very cautiously while undertaking any developmental activity. For Sikkim, conservation, protection of eco-system and environmental sanctity has remained priority, he added. The Chief Minister also infomed about the various innovative green initiatives taken by his government way back in 1995 like Harit Kranti Varsha, and the decade 2000 to 2010 as Harit Kranti Dasak, to generate mass awareness among the people through plantations. Other programmes like State Green Mission and Ten Minutes to earth have generated awareness about the conservation of environment and induced a sense of participation and ownership amongst the people.

Informing further, he said that registers are being maintained in each Gram Panchayat unit to record names of medicinal plants found in that area and for in-situ conservation on a regular basis and in the same manner he also asked the Department of Biotechnology, Government of India for supporting such endeavor in this field in a more extensive and comprehensive manner. This Coordinators’ Meeting is a common platform to discuss the issues and problems faced by the Biotech hub centers of the North Eastern states and it shall, no doubt, help the North Eastern states to work in close coordination with world experts on biotechnology both in India and outside the country, he mentioned. 

Mr Bhim Dhungel, in his address, mentioned that Science has made a noteworthy contribution to the global world in various sectors of medicine, agriculture, environment management and processing industry. Sikkim, blessed with natural beauty and rich biodiversity, is a treasure house of bioresources and protection and conservation of the same has been a priority in the state. He also believed that this two days meeting and the proceeding being published incorporating activities of all the Biotech- Hub Centres will serve as a valuable reference for the research organisations in the country. He also added that the exchange of intellectual ideas and thoughts during the meeting will lead to various recommendations and new ideas for strengthening of research in the field of biotechnology in the North Eastern region.

Dr T. Madhan Mohan, Adviser, Department of Biotechnology, Government of India, New Delhi expressed that biotechnology is a fast growing science that amalgamates biology and technology to derive a result using technological applications and has been used in many forms of traditional practices by the Indian society. The scheme on establishment of Biotech Hubs under the special programme for North East has been supported by the Department of Biotechnology, Government of India with the purpose of flourishing biotechnology in this region. The Adviser also advised the state government for capacity building for the students and hoped that north east can be a leading in biotechnology in the next five years. 

In her address, Dr Purnima Sharma, MD & NERBPMC, New Delhi said that the two days programme aims at interacting, sharing, learning from each other experiences and enhancing capacities in bio technology. 
Dr. B. Ravindran, Director, ILS (Institute of Life Sciences), Bhuwaneswar also shared his experiences.

The inaugural session also witnessed the release of books on Biodiversity of Sikkim and the proceeding of 2nd North East Biotech Hub Copordinators’ Meeting by the Chief Minister.

The technical session included the presentations by North East Coordinators, Institutional Hub Coordinators followed by the discussion with the Coordinators of Biotech Hubs. The second day shall also have the presentations by Institutional Hub Coordinators followed by the valedictory functions.